Sunday 4 August 2013

The Instinct Saga: Black Armor

Hello!.If you were previously part of the small number of people who used to read my blog posts, I may have decided on a small-ish revamp for my blog...well, that and the part that you couldn't enter my blog for a good few months now.

However, I do promise that I have huge announcements and exciting things going on in my life right now! Shock, horror, who would have thought? I have in fact decided to also reopen my book blog as it is summer, and I have huge concerns about boredom during the holidays. I seem to be experiencing it at this present time, hence my reasoning for deciding to completely open my blogs and allow them to flourish. Ha.

If you've been a regular visitor to the few pages I have on the internet (you, stalker you!) then you may have noticed my excitement...

yes. It's that. I have finally gotten around to writing my own book! Which will have sequels! But at the moment I'm writing Book 1, called Black Armor. It's a fantasy series, from which I've gained inspiration from the likes of George R.R. Martin and J. R. R Tolkien. And then more recent authors like Christopher Paolini, who I especially look up to because he also started writing Eragon at more or less the same age as myself (15, though I am 14). People tend to accuse Christopher of being a plagiarizer with no imagination, which I condemn because even though he drew...a lot of inspiration from the man who made his childhood with Lord of the Rings, he added extreme twists and his own flair onto The Inheritance Series. And I love them, despite the numerous plot-holes in Inheritance, especially.

So yes, I am extremely excited to finish my first novel-length book, and decide on whether or not to post it on the internet. I have several options for when I've finished writing Black Armor; most pressing - should I post it online? Wait for the right time, edit it thoroughly, while creating covers and brainstorming ideas for its sequels? If I was to edit it online - would I post it on my wattpad? I find that it would get little attention there, like most other fantasy stories because of the immature audience and the demand for the same plot written with different characters there. I don't particularly like wattpad either...

So, would I post it here? A chapter a blog post. That doesn't particularly appeal to me either. I find that blogging should definitely not be for stories, even if I get a huge audience here. It's a definite no-no. I just can't decide! But I guess I don't need to either, I still have over half of Black Armor to go for sure, even though I've written roughly 60,000 words already.

I've also decided to get on with creating book covers and such for my own entertainment, so I'll definitely upload a few onto here. And we'll see if any of you will be able to guess what the plot of Black Armor is about from the covers. You should be able to guess already actually! From the title, to who I've gained inspiration from, and to the upcoming covers? Go on - have a crack at it and we'll see if you've gotten there!

See you soon,




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